QGIS 3.14 supports temporal data out of the box (many, many thanks to Anita Graser and the time manager plug-in in the previous versions of QGIS). The support of expressions within the temporal data settings could be really helpful 🙂
The Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University provides the famous Corona Dashboard and Map (ESRI ArcGIS Online App) and an ArcGIS Feature Service with the recent data (and a GIT Repo with the raw data). The ArcGIS Feature Server support of QGIS makes it easy to have “some fun” with QGIS and the provided datasets.
Using Citrix Workspace App (v1912) for Linux (with KDE Plasma 5.16.5) recently showed a problem with Fullscreen-mode – the Panel (Taskbar) was not recognied any more by Citrix-Apps and MSTSC in Fullscreen had a hidden Windows-Taskbar/Start-Menu.
On two different laptops (with Core i5/intel graphics) I had the problem of a not booting Ubuntu 19.10 with just showing the ubuntu-logo and not going further.
Not only people living in mountainous regions want to know the summarized positive and negative difference of altitude along a track (“line”). With QGIS 3.10 the new processing algorithm “climb along line” does the job for you.
Canonical wants to push Snap Software packages (https://snapcraft.io/) since some time … while updating my Ubuntu (Kubuntu) 19.04 to 19.10 a strange pop-up appeared…
Normally opening a geopackage in ArcGIS Pro (2.3.0) works fine, but recently I came across a new “nice” error-message: “Underlying DBMS error… gpkg is remote mounted and in WAL-mode“.
Sometimes creating a folder-connection in ArcGIS Pro (V 2.2.3) can be tricky or not possible at first glance. System-defined folders (folder links) like Documents, Downloads, Pictures etc. on the left side of the connection dialog can’t be used (“OK”-button disabled).
Chromium Browser does not have hardware accelerated video decoding enabled by default (also Google Chrome). Fedora recently published Chromium with GPU decoding enabled (https://fedoramagazine.org/chromium-on-fedora-finally-gets-vaapi-support/), now there is also a Chromium Snap-Package with Video Acceleration API support for giving it a try on *buntu.
Why ? Smoother video playback and less CPU resources used 🙂 (and maybe some feedback to the developers if problems occur).
Playing around with QGIS and geodata containing a time dimension (e.g. animal tracking) offered me some nice possibilities. The “geometry generator” symbology and TimeManager PlugIn enable some nice visualizing workflows without generating new geodata.