Back to the Future: Using a DEC VT220 from 1983


Back to the Future: Using a DEC VT220 from 1983

I bought an actual serial terminal. It is many years older than I am, and can display 24 lines by 80 (or 132) colums of text.

My workflow is quite terminal centric: Work for Uni is done with vim over ssh, emails are read with mutt, and ncmpcpp provides the front end to my music. If it weren’t for the Internet, I’d ditch the display server without batting an eye.
Back to the Future: Using a DEC VT220 from 1983 weiterlesen

ArcGIS Pro: CRS-Transformationen mit österreichbezug

Nachdem ArcGIS Pro von ESRI erwachsen wird und sukzessive vermehrt im GIS-Alltag zum Einsatz kommt, anbei ergänzend zur Serie zur Anwendung bestmöglicher Transformationsparameter zwischen dem österreichischen Bundesmeldenetz und WGS84/ETRS89 die Implementierung dieser in ArcGIS Pro (Stand Version 1.3.1).

Transformation EOSG1618 versus NTv2 AT_GIS_GRID - kleiner Unterschied
Transformation EPSG1618 (Position Vector) versus NTv2 AT_GIS_GRID – ein kleiner Unterschied

ArcGIS Pro: CRS-Transformationen mit österreichbezug weiterlesen

Double your Internet speed: Load Balancing made easy

Ever wanted to combine two WAN connections for faster* internet? I do, for torrenting. And I scripted it.

On the Web, you’ll easily find “tutorials” that just give you some bash script you have to painstakingly modify for it to run. This is as simple as it gets! But see for yourself! (code at the end of this post)

Double your Internet speed: Load Balancing made easy weiterlesen