Archiv der Kategorie: Sonstiges

Scientific literature: Manage & Read Everywhere

Multiple tools exist for managing and reading scientific publications with open source and standards in mind; only Zotero, JabRef and others remain.

Manage and read everywhere related to PC/Tablet/Phone, but for an easy solution with Zotero, you need a paid subscription if you exceed 300MB of online storage, which I do.

Scientific literature: Manage & Read Everywhere weiterlesen

Strong team: YubiKey and Keepass (Linux)

Password managers like Keepass(I pefer KeepassXC)/Lastpass offer a nice choice to manage all your “accounts” with different user/password strings and with very complex (and long) passwords. If someone gets access on your keepass-database and the password for it – bad luck. Authentication-Hardware like YubiKeys provide more security on your keepass-database and work like a charme on Linux.

Strong team: YubiKey and Keepass (Linux) weiterlesen

Das Microsoft-Dilemma

Wer sich wundert warum im Umfeld von Behörden & Verwaltungen soviel proprietäre Software in Verwendung ist, für all diese gibt es seit Montag (19.02.2018) eine sehr gut recherchierte Dokumentation des ARD & c’t dazu.

Abseits der Argumente des “Vendor-Locks”, Sicherheitsbedenken (Einsatz von US closed source Software im Militär- und Polizeibereich) etc., sollte man nicht die Möglichkeit des Aufbaus einer europäischen Softwareindustrie vernachlässigen und damit von zukunftssicheren Arbeitsplätzen – anstatt das Steuergeld quasi übern großen Teich zu überweisen, eben in den Aufbau einer europ. Softwareindustrie investieren – auf Basis offener Software und offener Standards. Liebe Politik und öffentliche Verwaltung: Statt auf Lobbying reinzufallen, besser Zukunftschancen sehen ! 🙂

Doku-Verfügbar bis 19.05.2018

Android: Netflix with audio only, no video, no app-updates – Nexus 7 CM 13

I didn’t use Netflix for some month on my Nexus 7 tablet with Cyanogenmod 13 (Android 6). A few days ago I wanted to use the netflix app – and what a surprise: films only play with audio, no video. Maybe an update of the app ? Nothing was available and the best… it was not listed anymore in my PlayStore :-/

Android: Netflix with audio only, no video, no app-updates – Nexus 7 CM 13 weiterlesen

Lakka 2.0 – Retro-Gaming

It’s has been a long time since I had time for some useful and useless stuff. So we (isticktoit) found some useless stuff on Heise open: A Linux Retro-Gaming distribution and thought about bringing some old stuff up to ‘waste’ some hours.

4:3 on a FullHD TV and pixels

In this case I tried the new release of the Lakka distribution, which is mostly for Retro/Emulator-Gaming. It contains a lot of emulators from Atari up to PlayStation and Nintendo.

Lakka 2.0 – Retro-Gaming weiterlesen

No Facebook messages/chats with mobile browser ? A detour … :-)

This week Facebook started to block the usage of Facebook messages/chats on mobile devices just with the browser – Facebook forces their “products” (=customers) to use their messenger-App (with all the device-rights this app wants…).

A little detour allows to further use FB messages/chat with your mobile browser 🙂

Facebook forces users to use the messenger App

No Facebook messages/chats with mobile browser ? A detour … 🙂 weiterlesen