Normally opening a geopackage in ArcGIS Pro (2.3.0) works fine, but recently I came across a new “nice” error-message: “Underlying DBMS error… gpkg is remote mounted and in WAL-mode“.
Schlagwort-Archive: qgis3
Nice team: QGIS Geometry generator & Time manager PlugIn
Playing around with QGIS and geodata containing a time dimension (e.g. animal tracking) offered me some nice possibilities. The “geometry generator” symbology and TimeManager PlugIn enable some nice visualizing workflows without generating new geodata.
Nice team: QGIS Geometry generator & Time manager PlugIn weiterlesen
QGIS goes Flatpak – a quick review with (k)ubuntu and Manjaro 18(KDE)
Although *buntu is in love with snaps (snapcraft) to deliver and update apps on any Linux distribution, it was time to have a look on the new QGIS 3.4 Flatpak package. And using Manjaro with a dated QGIS-version (and non-GRASS) in its repo, Flatpak is the quick solution.
QGIS goes Flatpak – a quick review with (k)ubuntu and Manjaro 18(KDE) weiterlesen
Update: AT_GIS_GRID Transformation ArcGIS Pro 2.2 and QGIS 3.2 (Austria NTv2)
Since ArcGIS Pro 2.2 and QGIS 3.2 arrived recently, it was time to have again a look if and how the AT_GIS_GRID for CRS-transformation between Austrian BMN (Bundesmeldenetz) and ETRS89 (and WGS84) is implemented. The easy question: Does EPSG::5891 (AT_GIS_GRID NTv2 transformation) work out of the box ?
Update: AT_GIS_GRID Transformation ArcGIS Pro 2.2 and QGIS 3.2 (Austria NTv2) weiterlesen
First quick look on (upcoming) QGIS 3.0
The upcoming QGIS 3.0 ( is heavily under development and it was time to have a quick first glimpse on the recent developer-version (2.99-Master). QGIS 3.0 will be based on Qt5 and Python 3 – using the actual 2.99-Master was like “being at home” with some nice new furniture…