Kindle: View notes/clippings on your PC

View your notes/clippings on your computer

  • Visit and LogIn
  • Select the book
  • on the right side of screen you will see something like:
    You have 0 highlighted passages
    You have 1 note


The manual way…

  • connect your Kindle to your computer via USB (mass storage)
  • in /documents on your Kindle you will find a file named My_clippings.txt


Amazon Kindle & Linux… and how to remove DRM

Kindle and Linux

There are useful tools around to handle your Amazon Kindle:

  • calibre – a nice piece of software to manage your books (library) on your kindle. This tool also converts and sends books to your device. The all in one solution. It is extremely expendable with Plug-Ins (also for removing DRM)
  • ebook-convert and other commandline-tools (gets installed with calibre)
    example: ebook-convert filename.cbz filename.epub



Removing DRM with Python tool

  1.  What you need: Python on your system – just try “python” in CLI. If Python is missing in your distro install it – e.g. in Ubuntu by “sudo apt-get install python”
  2. The MobiDeDRM Scripts –
  3. If you buy a book from Amazon you normally get a “Book.azw”-File…
  4. … the next steps:
  • python XXXXXXXXXXX” where XXXXXXXXXXXX is your 16-character Serial (get your serial from your Kindle Systeminformation – Settings/Device information). The Terminal window will return something like Mobipocked PID for Kindle serial# XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is Z1QFCDQ*74. That “Z1QFCDQ*74” string is what you need.


  • Now all you have to do to remove the DRM from the .AZW file is:
    python Book-Title.azw YourMobiPocketKEY
    In a minute or so you should have a DRM-free MobiPocket book you can later convert in any other format you like. If that doesn’t work, try
    python Book-Title.azw YourMobiPocketKEY


Sources and more information:



Sources for free eBooks

  • Torrent

SMSen mit Linux (… SMS-Server)

Unter Linux können ganz einfach mit einem entsprechenden Modem (zB UMTS-Stick) SMS versendet und empfangen werden. Die Beschreibung nimmt Bezug auf Ubuntu mit Gammu und UMTS-Stick (Huwaei E160):

Die Befehle:

  • gammu-config

  • gammu getallsms

  • gammu sendsms text NUMBER

Im Detail:

Wenn Gammu noch nicht installiert wurde:

# sudo apt-get install gammu

Next, we need to configure Gammu to pickup the correct device. Check your dmesg for the serial port:

$ dmesg|grep tty
[12321.308078] usb 5-3: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[12321.308275] usb 5-3: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB1

Edit ~/.gammurc, or run gammu-config to change the device settings. Your ~/.gammurc file should look similar to:

port = /dev/ttyUSB0
model =
connection = at19200
synchronizetime = yes
logfile =
logformat = nothing
use_locking =
gammuloc =

Give it a test by getting all the SMS from the device:

# gammu getallsms

This should bring back all the SMS currently stored on the stick, which should include your login details for the Three website (unless you’ve deleted them). To send a SMS use the “sendsms” command:

$ gammu sendsms text 07874454543
Enter message text and press ^D:
Test Message!!!!!1!
Sending SMS 1/1….waiting for network answer..OK, message reference=2