Heureka, Fedora 38 Beta with Kernel 6.2.x supports RTL8852BE Wifi and Bluetooth out of the box 🙂 The manual work like described in Kubuntu 22.04 on Lenovo ThinkBook 14 G3 ACL is not necessry anymore.

Heureka, Fedora 38 Beta with Kernel 6.2.x supports RTL8852BE Wifi and Bluetooth out of the box 🙂 The manual work like described in Kubuntu 22.04 on Lenovo ThinkBook 14 G3 ACL is not necessry anymore.
Just for fun I gave Fedora and Gnome with version 34 a try again 🙂 One of the first things to do as a geoscientist has been the installation of QGIS… because of the not always up-to-date repo versions (and COPR), I selected the Flatpak-version… but got 3.16 LTS alltough I expected it to be 3.18.2 :-/ What I did not know, Flathub encapsulates 2 versions in one “Repo”.
Fedora and QGIS-Flatpak – LTS versus recent version weiterlesen
I bought an actual serial terminal. It is many years older than I am, and can display 24 lines by 80 (or 132) colums of text.
My workflow is quite terminal centric: Work for Uni is done with vim
over ssh
, emails are read with mutt
, and ncmpcpp
provides the front end to my music. If it weren’t for the Internet, I’d ditch the display server without batting an eye.
Back to the Future: Using a DEC VT220 from 1983 weiterlesen
As a QGIS-User on Fedora-Linux I was at first happy having QGIS 2.14.x (LTR) in the Fedora 24 repository. After installing it with DNF the problems started… QGIS had some missing dependencies:
Yesterday my Fedora 23 did not show up the 3G-Modem (USB) in Network Manager Mobile Connections (using KDE; Kerndel 4.3). Having a look with dmesg reported a registered modem…
Just yesterday I wandet to use my mobile (Nexus 5 / Android 5.1 CM 12.1) for connecting to the internet on my notebook (Fedora 22 / KDE Plasma 5). Connecting it via USB and activating USB-Tethering did something in network manager – but did not connect 🙁
Fedora 22 / KDE USB-Tethering with Mobile (Android) weiterlesen
So, once again the good old problem of installing Citrix receiver on a new installed Fedora 22 (KDE). This time I was surprised getting a really new Citrix receiver dated 30.6.2015 (today is the 1st of July). And surprise: No rpm-package 🙁
Der neue Citrix ICA 13.1 (Oktober 2014) bietet zahlreiche Neuerungen und ein verbessertes Linux-Setup. Jedoch wird kein rpm-Paket für 64Bit RPM-Distris angeboten – das *.tar.gz-Setup-Paket bringt die Lösung mit etwas “Nachhilfe”. Warum Citrix jedoch ein 32Bit RPM anbietet und keine 64Bit bleibt für mich ein Rätsel…
Citrix ICA (Receiver) 13.1 unter Fedora 20 (64Bit) weiterlesen
Ein klein wenig der “eigene Provider” sein und v.a. datenschutztechnisch sicherer war das Ziel beim Aufbau eines Internet-Gateway über OpenVPN über einen eigenen dedicated Server (in einem anderen Land). Serverseitig keine große Hexerei – jedoch machten v.a. die Linux-Cients mehr Probleme. Die Lehre aus dem ganzen: Traue keinen grafischen Tools 😉
Fedora 20 (KDE) OpenVPN Client – SELinux, DNS-Problems,… Troubleshooting weiterlesen
Netflix funktioniert unter Linux (Fedora 19 & 20) im HTML5-Modus tadellos – das Prinzip lässt sich auch unter Windows anwenden und schont den Akku gegenüber dem Silverlight-Player ! 5 Minuten Arbeit, die sich lohnen !
Das Prinzip:
Netflix ohne Silverlight unter Fedora Linux 19 (&20) – HTML5-Player weiterlesen