As a QGIS-User on Fedora-Linux I was at first happy having QGIS 2.14.x (LTR) in the Fedora 24 repository. After installing it with DNF the problems started… QGIS had some missing dependencies:
- pyspatialite error
- PyQt4-webkit error
The starting position:
dnf qgis qgis-grass qgis-python
The first QGIS-startup reported a pyspatialite problem:
ImportError: No module named pyspatialite
- Getting pyspatialite error eliminated:
- You have to postinstall some dependencies with DNF
- Afterwards it is possible to install pyspatialite via Python-PIP (as sudo !)
dnf -y install gcc redhat-rpm-config python-pip \ python-devel sqlite-devel proj-devel geos-devel CFLAGS=-I/usr/include pip install pyspatialite
Reference to this bug:
After getting rid of this error, the next one occurred on QGIS-startup (missing PyQT4Webkit):
ImportError: cannot import name QtWebKit
- Getting rid of PyQT4Webkit error:
- Install PyQt4-webkit-4.11.4-14.fc24 with DNF
After these manual postinstallation-steps QGIS looks like to work fine. QGIS for F24 packed with missing dependencies ?
- Bug report QIS:
- Pyspatialite report on Bugzilla/RedHat: