After importing geodata from the GIS to MongoDB and creating a spatial index (part 1), the exciting (spatial) adventure starts. With “normal” (relational) databases and their spatial extensions (Oracle spatial, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, SQLite/Spatialite,…) a lot of spatial queries and geoprocessing are possible. So let’s try to find out which adresses have to be evacuated 250m around some “event”…
Schlagwort-Archive: MongoDB
MongoDB and geodata part 1 – from Shapefile to MongoDB 3.2
MongoDB (3.2) is a kind of database-hipster at the moment – with improving support for spatial data. So it was time for me to discover some of it’s features concerning spatial data. As a GIS-user my first intention was to get some bigger simple (point) geodata into MongoDB. Part 1 covers this topic, part 2 will cover some spatial operations within MongoDB. I also want to do some performance checks between PostgreSQL/PostGIS and MongoDB related to geodata.
MongoDB and geodata part 1 – from Shapefile to MongoDB 3.2 weiterlesen