Schlagwort-Archive: ubuntutouch

My three Weeks living with Ubuntu Touch

Source: Cartmanland; BY-CC-Licensed | Source: Vinodh Moodley; BY-CC-SA-Licensed
When I was faced with wiping my Nexus 5 phone once again, I decided to install Ubuntu Touch. Here’s my experience after 3 weeks of it being my daily driver.

This is not the first time I had Ubuntu Touch on my phone: I tried it a few years ago using multi boot – but that doesn’t work any more on the Nexus 5, because the developer seems to have abandoned it. The Nexus 5 isn’t supported by Canonical directly either, so I had to get my installation from UBPorts, which is, as expected, beind in development from Canonical. My three Weeks living with Ubuntu Touch weiterlesen

How To Import VCF (VCard) in Ubuntu Touch

This sounds unbelievable, but is indeed true: You cannot import a .vcf file into Ubuntu Touch in 2016 – three and a half years after the first version of the OS was published!

This AskUbuntu thread is one of the only results – but it doesn’t work with .vcf files containing multiple contacts.

I botched together this little script, that splits up your VCard file and imports each contact into Ubuntu Touch.

You can run this using the Terminal App from the Ubuntu store / OpenStore or via adb shell from your computer. Connect your phone via USB and enable Developer Mode.

#!/bin/bash -e

# Ubuntu Touch import script for VCard Files, public domain.
# First parameter is file to be imported (e.g. `./ my_contacts.vcf`)
CONTACTDB="Personal" # change this to Persönlich if device language is German

awk ' /BEGIN:VCARD/ { ++a; fn=sprintf("card_%02d.vcf", a); print "Writing: ", fn } { print $0 >> fn; } ' $1

for $VCARD in card_*
	echo "Importing: ${VCARD}"
	syncevolution --import ${VCARD} backend=evolution-contacts database=${CONTACTDB}
	rm ${VCARD}

You might have to change the variable $CONTACTDB to suit you language. The correct term can be found when clicking the gear icon in the Contacts app.

The awk command comes from this StackExchange thread – no copyright claimed.