Schlagwort-Archive: Reverse Proxy

R (rlang) and Plots everywhere

Data science and Jupyter notebook can sometimes get exhausting. What about debugging, version control, code reviewing and so on. Coming from a Software Engineering background it‘s like losing 50% of the stuff you were used to.

To mitigate those problems I recently partially switched from Python to R with many improvements. For local Python coding, JetBrains PyCharm is my tool of choice and Jupyter notebooks for remote coding. With R it is RStudio Desktop and for remote, there is RStudio Server, which is almost like the desktop version within a browser. This allows one to develop and analyze data from any device with a browser.

R-Studio Server with running R-Notebook sample

R (rlang) and Plots everywhere weiterlesen

Docker a nice tool for developers

Docker is the world leading software containerization platform. I tried using GitLab as versioncontrol system and Jenkings as continuos integration system but the system turned out as not completly useful.

In that way a colleague told me about a system he wants to create based on Docker.

What we want:

  • a git system under ouer control
  • a continuos integration that is flexible and customizable
  • every system available per SSL connection

Git Service -> GoGs – Go Git Service

It’s a simple self-hosted Git servise.

  • easy to install, cross-platform, lightweight and OpenSourse

It contains everything importent to develop something in collaboration.

Continuos Integration -> drone

It’s a continuous integration platform build on container technology. Every build run will be triggerd by a push to a repository if it’s linked to drone.

  • flexible and customizable: by setting up a config file you tell drone what is to do

SSL -> NGINX as reverse proxy

It’s a fine powerfull tool and a nice reverse proxy. With it we are able to provide the GoGs and the drone to the internet more secure and with SSL encryted.

We will colleced the SSL/TLS certificates from a Let’s Encryt service.

Docker a nice tool for developers weiterlesen