Schlagwort-Archive: JSON – can this alternative to YouTube survive?

Screenshot of Linus Tech Vessel channel, © Linus Tech, Vessel
A little over a year ago, Vessel launched as an alternative video platform, trying to demonopolize YouTube as the quasi only option to upload videos professionally (i.e. earn money with your videos).
To get a foot into the market, they made deals with a lot of Youtube personalities to upload to vessel a week in advance and instead of showing users advertisements, either in the form of prerolls or sponsor spots in the middle of the video, they collect a small monthly subscription fee. Vessel boldly announced their launch in the form of sponsored YouTube videos giving away a full year of premium subscriptions to everyone signing up in the first month or so.
In March 2016 the free premium accounts expired, and I wanted to know, how many people are still watching on vessel now, compared to when they had a free premium account.
Sadly, Vessel doesn’t disclose a view count, or how many people have purchased a premium account after the first month. They do however have a ‘like-button’ below every video and a comment counter. I decided to at least get a rough idea about their view count compared to last year. – can this alternative to YouTube survive? weiterlesen

Finding the right track – defining guideposts with JSON

Many different organisations have to deal with the management of guideposts – especially in alpine regions. Sometimes all the data about the guideposts is managed in databases and GIS-Systems, often no digital data management is in use. In the first case mostly internally developed databases/applications are used and there is no open technical “standard” for storing “guidepost-data” and EXCHANGING it. In some regions – like in Tyrol – governmental standards for the guideposts (“the hardware”) are available (how guideposts have to look like – e.g. size, classification of difficulty, …). Based on the idea that around the world guideposts have some elements (direction, name of target,…) in common, we started to work on a modern technical standard…


Finding the right track – defining guideposts with JSON weiterlesen