I thought about the thing to have a rooted Nexus 5 with Android 5 but how??
The answer is: YES it is possible 😀 but Android 5 is for me not completely stable 😐 and it is stable 🙂
UPDATE: IF you have rooted your Nexus 5 with Andorid 5 your system will have an ram overflow after 5 to 15 minutes after power on!!!! – Wait with the update to Android 5 and the rooting of it.I have tried it a second time and after that it works for me now fine.
I have installed the Android 5 on my Nexus 5 with the how-to from the Google developer: Factory Images for Nexus on my Xubuntu-Notebook.
- Download the last Android SDK with the “fastboot” application in the sub folder “platform-tools/” and define it as a PATH
- Download the factory-image for your Nexus 5 from the list on the Google developer site and extract that to a folder
- Connect your Nexus 5 to a computer
- Now you have to set your Nexus 5 in “fastboot mode”
- You can do it, by holding down the “power” + “volume up” + “volume down” buttons before pressing anything on your switched off phone.
- Now run the command “fastboot oem unlock” – that unlocks the bootloader and will delete any data on your phone.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the extracted system image directory
- If step 5 was without any problems then switch over that hole step if not and you use a linux computer then do that among
- Open with an editor the file “flash-all.sh”
- Write at the second line: BOOT=/%dir to your%/fastboot
- Change every “fastboot” to “$BOOT”
- Now execute “
” as root/admin – that will take some minutes- Linux: ./flash-all.sh
- Windows: flash-all.bat
Now you have a running Android 5 on your Nexus 5.
Now it is time to root your Nexus5:
To do that i have taken that how-to: Root Nexus5 & Nexus 7
- Check if your phone is “oem unlocked”
- If not then do step 4 and 5 from above
- Now set your phone to “fastboot mode” as the step 4 above
- Download “CF Auto Root”
- Connect your Nexus to your computer
- Now execute “root-linux/windows”
- Linux: ./root-linux.sh
- Windows: root-windows.bat
The CF Auto Root will install the “SuperSu” APP on you phone with that you can give other programs the right to do something with “sudo” rights.
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