Schlagwort-Archive: flatpak

Fedora and QGIS-Flatpak – LTS versus recent version

Just for fun I gave Fedora and Gnome with version 34 a try again 🙂 One of the first things to do as a geoscientist has been the installation of QGIS… because of the not always up-to-date repo versions (and COPR), I selected the Flatpak-version… but got 3.16 LTS alltough I expected it to be 3.18.2 :-/ What I did not know, Flathub encapsulates 2 versions in one “Repo”.

Fedora and QGIS-Flatpak – LTS versus recent version weiterlesen

QGIS goes Flatpak – a quick review with (k)ubuntu and Manjaro 18(KDE)

Although *buntu is in love with snaps (snapcraft) to deliver and update apps on any Linux distribution, it was time to have a look on the new QGIS 3.4 Flatpak package. And using Manjaro with a dated QGIS-version (and non-GRASS) in its repo, Flatpak is the quick solution.

QGIS goes Flatpak – a quick review with (k)ubuntu and Manjaro 18(KDE) weiterlesen